Wednesday, May 7, 2008


Ladies and Gentleman, we have a winner. May I present the world's worst URL. Avid reader Carolyn Grantham sent this one in. Looks like these guys chop more than hair. I love how they just arbitrarily lopped off letters here. Yeah, we'll just trim the double-T and double-Y, snip off that E... ok, looking good. This URL is justhewayihatit.


Anonymous said...

Oh boy, this one is terrible... and impossible to remember.

Even worst: the site is down!

Anonymous said...

On a TV ad last night, this was painful:

Hutchinson Plumbing, Heating, and Cooling:

David J Barnes said...

Hideous indeed.

soungalo said...

gladly they cut hair better than pick urls. but working across the street from these guys, i must say, their sign & url always brings a smile to my face. just the way you lick it!