Tuesday, July 7, 2009



Alichia Keller checks in again with another Bad URL spotting. URLs on Twitter raise some very interesting questions. On one hand, inserting the original URL (as opposed to a TinyURL) can be cumbersome and an eyesore in a 140 character microblog post. On the other hand, it can be important to reinforce your brand and gain SEO link juice by using the permanent URL showcasing your domain. No matter what you choose though, the http:// is critical if you want Twitter to hyperlink the text. Sadly, the Illinois Lottery strikes out on all fronts. There's nothing memorable here nor even a link to click. Clearly, no pot of gold at the end of this rainbow. Or, shall I say, they won't be cashing in with this URL. How about, the chances of anyone clicking this are 1 in a million. Or, perhaps, this URL is not the ticket to a successful promotion. OK, I'm done.

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