Friday, April 30, 2010

URL-aholic Jeremy Williams reminds us that Leading Caps are as important on Twitter as they are when promoting domain names. As I once tweeted...

#curseallyoupeopleandyourlowercasehashtags #IsntThisEasierToRead? Have we learned nothing from http://GoodURLBadURL???

(Of course, I had to use the http in the tweet so that the URL would be hyperlinked so don't try and call me out for not practicing what I preach.)

As for the Twitter handle renotahoe, the words are just too easy to misread and misinterpret (reminiscent of as listed under worst URLs ever on the right-rail) to use alllowercase. Twitter does allow you to use Caps in your handle but its URLs are not case sensitive. So when someone replies to your tweet, whether they use @renotahoe or @RenoTahoe, it will still work. So why wouldn't you go with the latter? It can only help you rake in the visitors. No need to rent a hoe.

1 comment:

John Armonk said...

I had to use the http in the tweet so that the URL would be hyperlinked so don't try and call me out for not practicing what I preach.