Saturday, April 24, 2010


It's time to put the women and children to bed and put on your URL-spotting hats. GUBU is back, baby! Thanks to all the faithful URL-aholics out there for your patience -- hopefully you haven't kicked the habit!

You'll be happy to know my book is in the hands of the publisher and scheduled for an August release. So now I can pour all my creative juices back into Good URL Bad URL... well, that and my other 20 blogs. (FYI, the book is now available for pre-order. If you're so inclined, check out -- that's what I ended up sticking with.)

This URL comes to us from Alan Charlesworth in the UK. He was one of a number of folks who kept URL'ing out while I was on hiatus -- rest assured I captured a few of my own over the past few months -- and helped fill the GUBU mailbag so I can jumpstart this blog back up. Over the next couple weeks, expect to see a flurry of posting.

As for this billboard, Alan points out that "as well as the ! issue, this use of the .com is also a bit of a nonsense in this URL. Effectively, it is a advert promoting Britain using and American domain name [think: Obama driving a Nissan]. Harrrrummmph."

I'm guessing the rest of Britain thinks this URL is rubbish too!

1 comment:

Aqui said...

Nice blog you have here, thanks for sharing this