Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Good URL

No-one knows how to milk a SuperBowl ad for everything it's worth than the Grand-URL Daddy of them all. For the second year in a row, GoDaddy used the female form to drive traffic directly to its site. And it made sure to keep its URL visible throughout most of the commercial. Presentation included both the logo (which features the URL) and the plain type (with requisite Leading Caps). When it comes to SuperURLs, GoDaddy is tops, pops.


David J Barnes said...

Parsons sure does love the ladies. I personally think he's a dirt bag, but ya can't fault him entirely; apparently sex sells hosting services.

Anonymous said...

After seeing this, I wonder if viewers tried to send an email to "". And if the company set up an email account to catch messages from any confused viewers.

KP said...

i am using godaddy but just found out that i don't have enough bandwidth and got charged like insane kinds of fees. but i just found this site that offer unlimted bandwidth and other features dud it awsome. and Check out my website to for some sweet anime.

New hosting site better than Godaddy.